CLIENT: Ronshine & Sino Ocean

area: 2250 sq.m

completion: 2019 (Sales center)

Liwang (Xuan) NEO1 is located at the intersection of Moganshan Road and Sanbao West Road in the Gongshu District of Hangzhou. This is a rare opportunity given that there is limited construction in this historic district. Our design process must be all the more rigorous given the unique location of the development, so that the final results make a positive impact on the singular surrounding environment. Our designs need to integrate with the existing urban environment and context whilst providing a striking contemporary space for the community. 

The area in front of the sales centre will eventually become a public park. Therefore, our landscape solution needs to combine the experience of sales center with the functional requirements of the public park. 

We approached this transitional space by taking the concept of transformation as the starting point for our design and worked with the layout and facilities for the future public park in order to ensure a ‘low impact’ design.
